2022: Preventing SIFS: Breaking Through the Modern Safety Plateau

Safety Campaign

Preventing life-altering injuries and fatalities has become a critical area of focus for ACP’s Board and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Steering Committee.  ACP’s 2022 October clean energy industry-wide safety campaign focuses on bringing awareness to Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs), what can cause them, and how to prevent them.  It is not enough to only focus on reducing the number of overall work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities.    

Creating a culture of safety is a priority for the U.S. clean energy industry

ACP has the tools our members need to promote a safe workplace

How ACP members can participate:

Print the posters and display in common areas

Share the sticker with your team

Utilize the PowerPoints for safety presentations

Watch the webinar with your team

ACP’s preventing SIFs safety campaign materials will help members create awareness of SIF trends, educate team leaders and in-field personnel, review planning processes, enhance reporting culture, review and update organization risk assessments, and support a continued focus on prevention of SIFs in company communications, all of which are central to reducing SIFs and enhancing the likelihood that all of our employees come home safe from work each day.

Access Safety Materials

ACP Members can access the 2022 safety materials in the Member Portal.


Materials are also available in Spanish/ Materiales disponibles en Español también.

Safety Campaign Webinar

On-Demand Webinar

Preventing SIFs: Breaking Through the Modern Safety Plateau

In this on-demand webinar, ACP member companies and industry safety experts explain this year’s safety campaign and provide an overview of serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs), prevention and how to incorporate awareness into existing safety management systems.  

Panelists share how their organizations prioritize SIF prevention and awareness to existing safety programs and provide advice for companies who are just starting out and implementing safety awareness programs of their own. While other safety metrics are generally improving, reduction of SIFs has plateaued and, in some cases, SIFs have increased.    

Get your Safety Sticker


A safety campaign sticker is available for you and your team. Email safety@cleanpower.org with your address and the quantity. The sticker and shipping are free!


Have questions?

Contact us

Contact us at safety@cleanpower.org

A special thank you to the members of our Safety Campaign Task Force for designing and contributing to this campaign.

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